Brittney Ashley

Apr 28, 20223 min

Make an Impact: How to Write an Outstanding Blog

Updated: May 3, 2022

Blogs are not a dead marketing tool. In fact, they have become so heavily relied on that we often don’t realize how strong their influence is. Have you searched for 10 things to do in your city for the summer or how to cure a sore throat? Well, you’ve more than likely stumbled upon a blog post about that topic! Although in the past, blogs have been used as a way to journal experiences or share passions, they’ve also become an incredible tool to capture and convert your audience’s attention. According to Hubspot's 2021 Marketing Report, "marketers that prioritize blogging see 13-times the ROI of businesses that don't".

Why are blogs important?

Blogs are a low-maintenance way to increase your exposure and attract new prospects. By optimizing your blogs for search engines, you can reach more potential clients and position yourself as an expert in your field.

According to DemandMetrics, companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog.

The sales funnel is not always straightforward. Sometimes a post may lead to an inquiry or sale, while other times, you’ll get an email subscriber or new follower to nurture and convert.

Blogs give brands and businesses another avenue to attract new prospects and clients in a non-salesy way. By providing useful information to your audience, this form of organic content marketing uses SEO and content to educate and inform.

Blogs allow businesses to show useful information and demonstrate that they are trustworthy sources. You can use blogs to provide resources and education to potential leads and attract new prospects.

1) Have a Click-worthy headline

Before we dive into the actual content, let’s focus on what compels someone to read your blog. Headlines are the first thing a prospective reader will see. Even with a good headline, only “2 out of 10 will read the rest,” so make every headline count! When creating a headline, choose a title that sparks curiosity and/or speaks to a need. The more engaging the title is, the more clicks it will get.

Creating a headline isn’t luck, there are proven formulas that generate more engagement. Hubspot created a list of headlines to get you more traffic.

A great headline should accomplish three things:

  • Establish the subject of the post

  • Set the tone and expectation

  • Focus on a pain point

However, a creative, click-worthy headline is basically useless if it does not cater to SEO. Here’s the sweet spot: a catchy title with keywords will improve how you get indexed by Google. Place the keyword near the beginning of the title to increase your SEO rankability.


  • 7 Reasons to Start Blogging Today

  • How Blogging will Increase Your Rank on Google

  • SEO Tip: Here's the Secret to Getting More Visibility on Google

2) Make Your Blog Digestible

One of the biggest differentiators between a blog post and an article is formatting. Your reader does not want to read a wall of text or chunky paragraphs. They want easy-to-skim content they can quickly review before they commit to reading the whole thing.

We recommend using subheadings. Subheadings are smaller titles that clue the reader on the topic for each section. Your subheading should include your keyword to boost SEO.

Elements of a Digestible Blog

  • Use bullet points: Everything doesn’t need to be a full sentence

  • Add high-quality images with alt text: Images keep the blog interesting and boost engagement

  • Turn blog into a list: Listicles are one of the most impactful blogs because they have the main points sectioned out

However, you write, write with the audience in mind. And don’t forget to use a clear call-to-action at the end!

3) Optimize Your Blog For The Search Engine

The truth is people respond better to organic content than ads. And how do people find content? They look it up on search engines such as Google. By optimizing your content, you can ensure that more eyeballs will be on your content.

Here are a few tips to help you optimize your blog for search engines:

  1. Use 1–2 long-tail keywords.

  2. Use keywords strategically throughout the blog post.

  3. Optimize for mobile devices.

  4. Optimize the meta description.

  5. Include image alt text.

  6. Limit topic tags.

  7. Include user-friendly URL structures.

  8. Link to related blog posts.

Blogging helps boost SEO quality by positioning your website to your target market.

At Creative Dynamics Virtual Services, we are not limited to virtual assistance. We can help you scale your business by assisting with marketing and copywriting, including blogs. Book a consultation with Creative Dynamics Services --a boutique-style Virtual Assistant team offering support in administration, marketing, blogs, CRM setup, and those in-between tasks. We would love to hear from you! Please book a free consultation today!


At Creative Dynamics Virtual Services we help a range of clients from realtors to creative businesses, get in touch with us today!
